

  1. Kickstarter Lessons
  2. Mood Math
  3. Read: Why I’m Over GraphQL
  4. Read: Code is boring
  5. Yarn resolutions
  6. Apollo Client with HTTP, WS, and auth
  7. Read: Living "on script"
  8. Will humans become elves?
  9. Intelligent outcomes
  10. 3:17 am, night-owl time
  11. Damn, I’m a puzzle person now!?
  12. Enjoying inefficiency
  13. Bootstrap tooling lock-in
  14. On using the hot new shit in software development
  15. Usable‘s usually boring
  16. Remote work enemy No. 1
  17. Tool overflow
  18. The Autocomplete Developer
  19. Better know if you are hiring a revolutionist
  20. Your creation is not crucial enough for feedback