

  1. How dare you ship broken text input!?
  2. It's too simple to write slow react code
  3. Admit f*** ups
  4. Pet Projects
  5. Impressions of svelte
  6. Booklery - Creating a Book Marketplace in One Week
  7. CocktailBook - A two day Ruby on Rails project
  8. DocRef - Prototyping A Platform In 2 Weeks
  9. Learnings from Le Wagon's Project Weeks
  10. Co-working-as-a-perk
  11. How I run 360 degree feedback
  12. My principles when choosing a job
  13. Navigating life by avoiding bad paths
  14. Do not use sapper to build static blogs
  15. Feedback driven culture
  16. Trade-offs of seniority
  17. First job
  18. Your title is not an argument